As you all know this is the big event for the club. For those of you that have already helped getting things together for the show, Thank you from all of the officers. To all of you that will be attending the show, PLEASE volunteer some time while you are there. There are many jobs that need to be manned to make things run smoothly. Saturday we will be setting up the field for the next day. We will start at 3:30. Just tell them at the gate you are there to set up for the show. After we will have a BBQ for all people that helped, and arriving Vendors. Sunday we start @ 6am. Donuts and coffee will be provided for early members. Wear your yellow MTR shirt. We should have some at the merchandise tent for those of you that may need them. Some people have already volunteered for jobs on the field. For those of you that need a job see Peter Gareffa, Myself or Bob Harris we'll let you know where we are lacking people. I know this is all old news for longtime members. Hope to see you all Sunday.